Hello guys, this is my last post, OMG! I don’t
know if I could be animated to write more post in the future. I’m feel sad
because I like comment on your entries, I think is fun reading your experience
and comments.
Well, I will talk about the role of the
technology in my profession and life. This subject is very important to me
because I define myself like a technological person, not because I’m a fanatic;
one of my crazy dreams is exist in the internet, but not physically. Now I’m
thinking that sound super weird, and really, I don’t know how I could do this,
but the idea is beautiful for me.
The past Tuesday a lady asked me if I know how
to combinate with the line1 to the line5 (Baquedano is close), so how I didn’t
know all the combinations I searched the maps in my cellphone and then I
explain her. She got off the train, and I realized that a big map was behind me
Haha ☹ After this episode of my life, I
think I always think of in my cellphone because I’m a used to do everything with the.
Probably I
can’t work in a time with this kind of things unless that I can relation it
with the topics I work. For my thesis, maybe is better if I follow the same
line, but I don’t know really, maybe I should benefit the opportunity and
experimenting with all the things that I want to do. Or maybe is too late for
I wish the best for everyone! Thanks for
reading my entry and commenting 😊
See you? I don’t know, you never know.
Goodbye dear earthlings.