Hello dears! Today I will talk about the person who I would like to be for 24 hours.
Actually I think I would like to be my male version and see how change the world since man perspective. Here I left a photo of my male version according to the app faceapp.
Maybe I could create a new religion because some people told me that I look like Yisus. Is a super stupid idea, but I think must fun use a Yisus costume because is a really great character.
Some time ago I watched in the tv a program about the turin shroud, this program showed the evidences of is falsehood and it super funny because the Jesus in the bed sheet half as three meters haahha.
well, but I think would be funny that existed a lot of legends about me, something like: "They say that she never sleep" or "It seems she lived in the university, never no one can arrive before her".
Sometimes I want to be a asian girl, you know, always there will be an asian person that makes all better, so I want to be this asian person.
Also I would like to have musical talent and then be a person so cool like David Bowie, or maybe have a superpower...
Actually I like to be the person I am, so I took this post like a joke hehe :) See you in the next and last post!