Sunday, June 9, 2019

A Boring Post :(

Hello dears earthlings!

Today I must talk about some website, but really I don't visit much webs so I will write about some util things that you can find on internet.

Well, I think one the most important tools is Youtube because you can find a lot of tutorials. When you are an artist you be in a constant learn and you need learn in some place and youtube helps a lot. Usually I search tutorials for download paid programs in a free form because I don't have the sufficient money of paid for a program. I really love the people who create cracks for the adobe programs, If there weren't exists I would be a super poor person, I couldn't editing photos or making videos because Photoshop and Premiere are super utils tools that can be good if you are interested in the digital media.

I think the program I more use is Photoshop, I'm not an expert but I know how to use the basic tools, so I try to make the beter as possible. My favorite tool is the clone buffer because you can edit the image from the information contains in the same image.

Actually yet I'm learn to use premiere so I can't tell much about my favorite tool or something like that.
This post are super boring, so I hope not have been so terrible.


P.S: Here I left a photomontage.

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