Saturday, June 22, 2019

Handsome Guy...or not?

Hello dears! Today I will talk about the person who I would like to be for 24 hours.
Actually I think I would like to be my male version and see how change the world since man perspective. Here I left a photo of my male version according to the app faceapp.
Maybe I could create a new religion because some people told me that I look like Yisus. Is a super stupid idea, but I think must fun use a Yisus costume because is a really great character.
Some time ago I watched in the tv a program about the turin shroud, this program showed the evidences of is falsehood and it super funny because the Jesus in the bed sheet half as three meters haahha.
well, but I think would be funny that existed a lot of legends about me, something like: "They say that she never sleep" or "It seems she lived in the university, never no one can arrive before her".
Sometimes I want to be a asian girl, you know, always there will be an asian person that makes all better, so I want to be this asian person.
Also I would like to have musical talent and then be a person so cool like David Bowie, or  maybe have a superpower...
Actually I like to be the person I am, so I took this post like a joke hehe :) See you in the next and last post! 
Resultado de imagen para turin shroud

Normal or Not?

To be honest I haven't had much time for thinking in other thing apart to the university, so I think my posts are more boring every day, sorry for that. 
Probably the subject that was installed in my mind in this year was the "Mental Health", as this semester I took a CFG called "stress control". I think it was unavoidable talk about wellness, also taking in account the context, because some careers was on strike due to the academic overload. 
I think I don´t learnt controlate my stress with this course, but if it helped me to understand a lot of situations and I feel that now I have more  bases to talk about this kind of problems and be more critic.
I'd like that more discussions will open about mental health because now we live in a Chile super depressed and I think the state have to take charge in some form.
I don't know if I enjoy this subject, I always think in my companions and I'm feel very bad when I see  that they are so stressed they could cry. Why this is considerate normal? I don't understand what happened in this world hahaha
Well, I think this is all! See you in the next post hehe 😁
Cuando Tus Niveles De Estrés Están Por Las Nubes GIF - BobEsponja Estres Agobio GIFs

Sunday, June 9, 2019

A Boring Post :(

Hello dears earthlings!

Today I must talk about some website, but really I don't visit much webs so I will write about some util things that you can find on internet.

Well, I think one the most important tools is Youtube because you can find a lot of tutorials. When you are an artist you be in a constant learn and you need learn in some place and youtube helps a lot. Usually I search tutorials for download paid programs in a free form because I don't have the sufficient money of paid for a program. I really love the people who create cracks for the adobe programs, If there weren't exists I would be a super poor person, I couldn't editing photos or making videos because Photoshop and Premiere are super utils tools that can be good if you are interested in the digital media.

I think the program I more use is Photoshop, I'm not an expert but I know how to use the basic tools, so I try to make the beter as possible. My favorite tool is the clone buffer because you can edit the image from the information contains in the same image.

Actually yet I'm learn to use premiere so I can't tell much about my favorite tool or something like that.
This post are super boring, so I hope not have been so terrible.


P.S: Here I left a photomontage.